Website – Our Landmark marketing is: The information we provide here on your property is obtainable for the prospective buyer giving a user experience for each property
3rd Party Sites - Your property will have maximum exposure on some of the major land industry advertising websites to connect with potential buyers. At PLC we are members of many Multiple Listing Services (MLS) to provide more exposure to your property.
Photography & Video – Our professional photographers will try and capture the details on the properties as they know what shots to capture the ranch lifestyle and epic property views.
Video – tells the story of your property. Our pro videographers will capture the effective storytelling techniques of each property.
Print – Custom targeted print ads on a local, regional, and national level that best target your buyer.
Brochures – Each property is customized and handcrafted for the prospective buyer to review information and imagery prior to a scheduled appointment.
GIS Solutions with Interactive Maps - From online interactive maps to large print maps, PLC delivers detailed maps for each buyer to study online or offline.
Digital & Email Marketing – Did you know approximately 99% of consumers check their email on a daily basis? This is particularly important because once you get to a point where you have a big list of active email subscribers; you can worry less about SEO changes that can have a negative impact on your traffic, i.e. audience losing site of your property.
Social Media – We continue to build our social media audience by customizing the landowners property to engage the qualified buyers that are looking for their ranch real estate investment property.